
Being a barometer of electronic and computer arts in Sough-Eastern Europe, the “Computer Space” forum often offers the artists a possibility to debate such fundamental issues as the relations between computer arts and other contemporary arts, the place of the artists in the creative process, styles in digital arts, technology and society issues etc. Some of the symposium topics like ‘The Violence of Information’, ‘Virtual Identity’, ‘Computer arts or computers in the arts’, ‘Art or a design’ opened a lot of following discussions in many artistic forums and blogs.
One of the often open questions during the many discussions is the definition of art in the computer generated or manipulated products. For example, some computer graphics like 3D architectural or car images could demonstrate brilliant design technologies and could ‘touch’ the users emotionally. Is this an art? Or we may see very nice Photoshop made drawings of landscapes or processed photographs. And another often posed question, the value of such creations, especially in comparison to the value of oil paintings that exist in just one unique copy. These and many similar questions allow the artists to debate the future of the arts and interaction between the arts.
Computer arts have a lot of forms and appearance and this evolution has always been in a focus of the “Computer Space” seminars. Computer graphics, computer animation, multimedia (CD/ DVD based games, encyclopaedia, fairy-tale stories, galleries, training modules etc.), web-art, net-art, electronic/computer music, VRs, interactive art installations and many forms are regarded as computer arts. But it is always a big discussion when the synthesis of technology and creative ideas becomes an art. How to distinguish the art from the brilliant design or from the perfect modelling? Shall we consider the impact and raised emotions as prove of the artistic elements of some project? And, if and how the entertainment projects (for example, games) could be considered as an art? (continue in part 4)